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  • Writer's pictureJulie Edge

Showing Up After Things Don't Go Well In Life: Speaking From Experience

Business Owner Insight to Action

How do you show up when things don't go well in your life?

Life can take a wrong turn when you least expect it. That's what happened to me.

Imagine This Nightmare...

A freak surgical accident injures your spinal cord, leaving both legs and your right hand paralyzed.

This injury takes you and your ability to run your business out of commission for 9 MONTHS. And after that, you have very limited capacity to work for the next 2 YEARS!!

You think healing your body and learning to walk again after such a serious injury is the hardest part until you try to rebuild your business when your body works better and you've regained more capacity for work. 

While you focused on your health, the world passed you by. Your network kept moving along without you.

Add to it, you now worry people will think you're less capable when they see your rather visible disability. Or worse, they’ll feel sorry for you. 

All you want is to get back to meaningful work—to contribute purposefully, to be more fully utilized, and to regain your lost income. But where do you start with re-entry? There's no handbook for reestablishing your solopreneur business in your mid-50s. 

So, you take baby steps by engaging with friendly faces—the people who know you better than most. Then you venture out to meet up with acquaintances, and eventually to new people.

And what you find out is that those thoughts in your head are NOT TRUE—at all. You caused a lot of suffering internally over something that wasn’t true. 

When you tell your story, people do not think you are weak or less capable.

They think you are BRAVE, STRONG, and RESILIENT! 

They are amazed at what you've done to rebuild your body to get back to work. They question whether they would be strong enough to handle what you have and revel in the wisdom that you offer after overcoming something so monumental.

Most people quickly get past your limp and need to walk with a cane. They are just glad you are back and want to help you anyway they can. Sometimes they even over help because they want to make your life easier.

Julie's Recovery Pictures

From Freak Accident to Life Lesson

It's a kinder, more empathetic world than you are led to believe when you are stuck in your own head.

Lesson learned? Being willing to be VULNERABLE is the key. Putting yourself out there with your story and your desire to contribute again is important. Taking small steps helps. They add up before you know it.  

It's been more than 5 years since my injury, and I'm back to feeling more like myself and able to work again. I've learned a lot of incredible life lessons along the way—wisdom I've been able to pass on to others.


All business owners get stuck in their head every once in a while and that prevents them from doing what's right for their business. Maybe your problems aren't as big as mine was, but getting fresh eyes on your challenges can help you see a better path forward and where you can get out of the way of your own success. Working with a coach who's a step or two ahead of you in learning that lesson is a smart way to build value in your business.

Contact me to set up a 30-minute complimentary consultation. You won't be sorry when you reach out for help to work "on" your business.


Julie Edge Ph.D., is chief strategist and founder of Inside Edge Solutions LLC, a boutique strategy coaching and consulting firm serving business owners seeking less chaos and complication in their business and more thriving in their life—both personally and professionally. Connect with Julie on LinkedIn at @drjulieedge

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